Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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antimade it fast to the girdle which he wore underhis shirt. While he disposed in this mannerof his superabundance I, who found myselfunable to perform my part, requested theIndians to assist me; and this they cheerfullydid, eating what I had found too much withas much apparent ease as if their stomachshad been previously empty. The feast beingbrought to an end, and the prayer and thanksgivingpronounced, those near the door departed;but when the poor fellow who hadconcealed his meat, and who had to pass fromthe farther end of the lodge, rose up to go, twodogs, guided by the scent, laid hold of thetreasure and tore it to the ground. The Indianswere greatly astonished; but presently observedthat the Great Spirit had led the dogsby inspiration to the act in order to frustrate theprofane attempt to steal away this portion ofthe offering. As matters stood the course theytook was to put the meat into the fire and thereconsume it.On the twentieth of April the ice broke up,and several canoes arrived filled with womenand children who reported that the men oftheir band were all gone out to war against, theNadowessies. On the fifteenth of May a partof the warriors, with some others, arrived infifty canoes, almost every one of which hada cargo of furs. The warriors gave me someaccount of their campaign, stating that theyhad set out in search of the enemy four

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