Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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lake. On his receiving my consent, the womenwent to the spot where we had killed the bearand where the carcass had been left in safety,buried deep in the snow. They brought thebooty back with them, and kettles being hungover the fires, the whole bear was dressed forthe feast.About an hour after dark accompanied byfour of my men I repaired to the place ofto invitation. The numbersacrifice, accordingof the Indians exactly equalled ours, thereso thatbeing two men and three women;together we were ten persons, upon whom itwas incumbent to eat up the whole bear. I. wasobliged to receive into my own plate, or dish,a portion of not less than ten pounds weight,and each of my men were supplied with twicethis quantity. As to the Indians, one of themhad to his share the head, the breast, the heart,with its surrounding fat, and all the four feet;and the whole of this he swallowed in twohours. He, as well as the rest, had finished beforeI had got through half my toil; and mymen were equally behindhand. In this situationone of them resorted to an experimentwhich had a ludicrous issue, and which at thesame time served to discover a fresh featurein the superstitions of the Indians. Havingfirst observed to us that a part of the cheerwould be very acceptable to him the next day,when his appetite should be returned, he withdrewa part of the contents of his dish and194

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