Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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'The Chippewa of Chagouemig are a handsome,well-made people; and much morecleanly, as well as much more regular in thegovernment of their families, than the Chippewaof Lake Huron. The women have agreeablefeatures and take great pains in dressingtheir hair, which consists in neatly dividing iton the forehead and top of the head and inplaiting and turning it up behind. The menpaint as well their whole body as their face;sometimes with charcoal, and sometimes withwhite ocher; and appear to study how to makethemselves as unlike as possible to anythinghuman. The clothing in which I found them,both men and women, was chiefly of dresseddeer-skin, European manufactures having beenfor some time out of their reach. In this respect,it was not long after my goods were dispersedamong them before they were scarcelyto be known for the same people. The womenheightened the color of their cheeks, andWisconsin, in an effort to arrange their boundarydisputes and thus end the interminable warfare betweenthe two tribes. When he asked the Sioux chiefs on whatground they claimed the territory in dispute they answered,"by possession and occupation from our forefathers." Turning to the Chippewa, ^Cass put the samequestion, to which the noted Hole-in-the-Day, risingwith a graceful gesture, replied: "My Father, weclaim it on the same ground that you claim this countryfrom the British king by conquest. We drove themfrom the country by force of arms, and have sinceoccupied it; and they dare not try to dispossess us ofour habitations. " Editor.190

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