Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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Cratoelg anfcwhich they found it, it required nothing but tobe beat into shape. The Pi-wa-tic, or IronRiver, 6 enters the lake to the westward of theOntonagan; and here, as is pretended, silverwas found while the country was in the possessionof the French.Beyond this river I met more Indians, whomI furnished with merchandise on credit. Theprices were, for a stroud blanket, ten beaverskins;for a white blanket, eight; a pound ofpowder, two; a pound of shot, or of ball, one;a gun, twenty; an axe of one pound weight,two; a knife, one. Beaver, it will be remembered,was worth at Michilimackinac twoshillings and sixpence a pound, in the currencyof that place; that is, six livres, or adollar.On my arrival at Chagouemig I found fiftylodges of Indians there. These people werealmost naked, their trade having been interrupted,first by the English invasion of Canadaand next by Pontiac's War.Adding the Indians of Chagouemig to thosewhich I had brought with me, I had now ahundred families, to all of whom I was requiredto advance goods on credit. At a councilwhich I was invited to attend, the men declaredthat unless their demands were compliedwith their wives and children would perish;for that there were neither ammunition nor*Modern Iron River, in Ontonagon County, <strong>Michigan</strong>.Editor.187

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