Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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From Detroit to the mouth of Lake Huronis called a distance of eighty miles. From thefort to Lake St. Claire, which is only sevenmiles, the lands are cultivated on both sidesof the strait, and appeared to be laid out invery comfortable farms. In the strait, onthe right hand is a village of Huron, and at themouth of Lake St. Claire a village of Ottawa.We met not a single Indian on our voyage, thereport of the arrival of the English army havingdriven every one from the shores of the lake.On our arrival at Michilimackinac theOttawa of L'Arbre Croche were sent for tothe fort. They obeyed the summons, bringingwith them some Chippewa .chiefs, and peacewas concluded with both.For myself, having much property due to meat Ste. Marie's, I resolved on spending thewinter at that place. I was in part successful;and in the spring I returned to Michilimackinac.The pause which I shall here make in mynarrative might with some propriety have beenplaced at the conclusion of the precedingchapter; but it is here that my first series ofadventures are brought truly to an end. Whatremains belongs to a second enterprise, whollyindependent of the preceding.mention the fact to your Excellency as it has left a deepimpression upon those who were sufferers from sucha dishonorable breach of word and credit." R. G.Thwaites and L. P. Kellogg Revolution on the UpperOhio (Madison, 1908), 133-34. Editor.180

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