Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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agreed upon; 82 and they promised to meet theGeneral at Detroit within fifteen days. Atthat place terms of peace were to be settledin a general council. On the eighth of Augustwe landed at Detroit. 88The Indians of the Miami were punctual,and a general peace was concluded.Pontiac,who could do nothing against the force whichwas now opposed to him and who saw himselfabandoned by his followers, unwilling to trusthis fortunes with the English, fled to theIllinois. 8482This occurred at Presque Isle, rather than Sandusky.Bradstreet's highly injudicious procedure in thisconnection was promptly disavowed by his superiorofficers. "They have negotiated with you on LakeErie, and cut our throats upon the frontiers," wroteGeneral Gage to Bradstreet on October 15, and in this.and other communications' he spoke bitterly of Bradstreet'sconduct. Editor.83Bradstreet's army reached Detroit on August 26.Editor.84 It is very possible, nevertheless, that Pontiac subsequentlyjoined the English, and that a portion ofwhat is related by Carver concerning his latter historyand death is true. It cannot, however, be intended toinsinuate that an English governor was party to theassassination:"Pontiac henceforward seemed to have laid aside theanimosity he had hitherto borne towards the English,and apparently became their zealous friend. To rewardthis new attachment, and to insure a continuanceof it, government allowed him a handsome pension.But his restless and intriguing spirit would not sufferhim to be grateful for this allowance, and his conductat length grew suspicious; so that going, in the year178 ,

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