Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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Cratoelg anfcmilitary discipline accordingly. After hearingthe General's speech, the majority set out forFort Niagara the same evening, and thencereturned to their own country by the way ofToranto; and thus was my poor battalionstill further diminished!On our fifth day from Fort Schlausser we81reached Presqu'isle, where we dragged ourbarges over the neck of land, but not withoutstraining their timbers; and with more loss oftime, as I believe, than if we had rowedround. On the twentieth day we were off themouth of the river which falls into SanduskyBay, where a council of war was held on thequestion whether it were more advisable toattack and destroy the Indian villages on theMiami or to proceed for Detroit direct. Earlythe next morning, it having been determinedthat, considering the villages were populous aswell as hostile, it was necessary to destroythem, we entered the Miami; but were presentlymet by a deputation offering peace.The offer was accepted; but it was not till aftertwo days, during which we had begun to bedoubtful of the enemy's intention, that thechiefs arrived.When they came, a sort of armistice was81Modern Erie, Pennsylvania. The French had hada post here, which was abandoned and burned after thefall of Montreal in 1760, in advance of the coming ofthe English. The latter arrived on July 17, and proceededto rebuild the fort. Editor.177

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