Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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Chapter 23THE RETURN TO MACKINACA Fort Niagara I found General Bradstreet78 with a force of three thousandmen, preparing to embark for Detroitwith a view to raise the siege which it had sustainedagainst Pontiac, for twelve monthstogether. The English in this time had lostmany men; and Pontiac had been frequentlyon the point of carrying the place, thoughgallantly defended by Major Gladwyn, itscommandant. 79General Bradstreet, having learned my history,informed me that it was his design, on78 Bradstreet was at this time a colonel. A native ofEngland, he had become a colonist by adoption andwon distinction at the siege of Louisburg in 1745. Hisservice in the Seven Years' War won for him the rank ofcolonel, but on the expedition against the westernIndians, to which Henry became attached, Bradstreet'sconduct was far from notable. He became a general in1772, and died at Detroit two years later. Editor.79The classic account of the siege of Detroit is byFrancis Parkman in his Conspiracy of Pontiac. HenryGladwin, commander at Detroit, had come to Americaas a lieutenant in 1 755. He was wounded in Braddock'sDefeat of that year, and again at Ticonderoga in 1758.He served efficiently throughout the war, and upon theconclusion of Pontiac's War returned (in 1764) toEngland. In 1782 he became a major-general, dyingnine years afterward. Editor.174

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