Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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andand encamped, in the evening, four milesshort of Fort Niagara, which the Indianswould not approach till morning.At dawn the Indians were awake, and presentlyassembled in council, still doubtful asto the fate they were to encounter. I assuredthem of the most friendly welcome; and atlength, after painting themselves with the mostlively colors in token of their own peaceableviews, and after singing the song which is inuse among them on going into danger, theyembarked and made for Point Missisaki,which is on the north side of the mouth of theriver or strait of Niagara, as the fort is on thesouth. 77 A few minutes after, I crossed over tothe fort; and here I was received by Sir WilliamJohnson in a manner for which I haveever been gratefully attached to his person andmemory.Thus was completed my escape from thesufferings and dangers which the capture ofFort Michilimackinac brought upon me; butthe property which I had carried into theUpper Country was left behind. The readerwill, therefore, be far from attributing to meany idle or unaccountable motive when hefinds me returning to the scene of my misfortune.77The course of the Niagara is almost due north andsouth. Fort Niagara was on the east side of the river,Point Mississaga on the west.173

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