Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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the Indians erected a hut, I employed myselfin making a fire. As I was gathering wood,an unusual sound fixed my attention for amoment; but as it presently ceased, and as Isaw nothing from which I could suppose it toproceed, I continued my employment, till,advancing farther, I was alarmed by a repetition.I imagined that it came from abovemy head; but after looking that way in vain, Icast my eyes on the ground and there discovereda rattlesnake, at not more than twofeet from my naked legs. The reptile wascoiled, and its head raised considerably aboveits body. Had I advanced another step beforemy discovery I must have trodden upon it.I no sooner saw the snake than I hastenedto the canoe, in order to procure my gun; butthe Indians, observing what I was doing, inquiredthe occasion, and being informed,begged me to desist. At the same time theyfollowed me to the spot, with their pipes andtobacco-pouches in their hands. On returning,I found the snake still coiled.The Indians on their part surrounded it, alladdressing it by turns, and calling it theirgrandfather; but yet keeping at some distance.During this part of the ceremony they filledtheir pipes; and now each blew the smoketoward the snake, who, as itappeared to me,really received it with pleasure. In a word,after remaining coiled and receiving incensefor the space of half an hour, it stretched itself168

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