Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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Chapter 22VOYAGE TO FORT NIAGARAthe evening of the second day of ourINvoyage we reached the mouth of the Missisaki,where we found about forty Indians,by whom we were received with abundantkindness, and at night regaled at a great feast,held on account of our arrival. The viand wasa preparation of the roe of the sturgeon, beat upand boiled, and of the consistence of porridge.After eating, several speeches were made tous, of which the general topic was a requestthat we should recommend the village to SirWilliam Johnson. This request was also speciallyaddressed to me, and I promised tocomply with it.On the fourteenth of June we passed thevillage of La Cloche, of which the greater partof the inhabitants were absent, being alreadyon a visit to Sir William Johnson. This circumstancegreatly encouraged the companionsof my voyage, who now saw that they werenot the first to run into danger.The next day about noon, the wind blowingvery hard, we were obliged to put ashore atPoint aux Grondines, a place of which somedescription has been given above.72 While72 See ante, p. 33. Editor.167

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