Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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I^enrpdisplayed in the performance, or such my deficiencyof penetration, that I made no discoveries,but came away as I went, with nomore than those general surmises which willnaturally be entertained by everyOn reader.71the tenth of June I embarked with theIndian deputation, composed of sixteen men.Twenty had been the number originally designed;and upwards of fifty actually engagedthemselves to the council for the undertaking,to say nothing of the general enthusiasm atthe moment of hearing the Great Turtle'spromises. But exclusively of the degree oftimidity which still prevailed, we are to takeinto account the various domestic calls, whichmight supersede all others, and detain manywith their families.71 M. de Champlain has left an account of an exhibitionof the nature here described, which may be seen inCharlevoix's Histoire el Description Generate de laNouvelle France, Livre IV. This took place in the year1609, and was performed among a party of warriorscomposed of Algonquin, Montagnez, and Hurons.Carver witnessed another among the Cristinaux. Ineach case the details are somewhat different, but theoutline is the same. M. de Champlain mentions thathe saw the jongleur shake the stakes or pillars of thetent. I was not so fortunate; but this is the obviousexplanation of that part of the mystery to which itrefers. Captain Carver leaves the whole in darkness.Author.166

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