Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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anfcwere heard, in which a diversity of voices metthe ear. From his first entrance till these songswere finished we heard nothing in the propervoice of the priest; but now he addressedthe multitude, declaring the presence of theGreat Turtle and the spirit's readiness to answersuch questions as should be proposed.The questions were to come from the chiefof the village, who was silent, however,tillafter he had put a large quantity of tobaccointo the tent, introducing it at the aperture.This was a sacrifice, offered to the spirit; forspirits are supposed by the Indians to be asfond of tobacco as themselves. The tobaccoaccepted, he desired the priest to inquirewhether or not the English were preparing tomake war upon the Indians ? and whether ornot there were at Fort Niagara a large numberof English troops ?These questions having been put by thepriest, the tent instantly shook; and for someseconds after it continued to rock so violentlythat I expected to see it levelled with theground. All this was a prelude, as I supposed,to the answers to be given; but a terrific cryannounced, with sufficient intelligibility, thedeparture of the Turtle.A quarter of an hour elapsed in silence, andI waited impatiently to discover what was tobe the next incident in this scene of imposture.It consisted in the return of the spirit, whosevoice was again heard, and who now delivered163

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