Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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Chapter 21INVOKING THE GREAT TURTLET"""Y)R invoking and consulting the Great|H Turtle the first thing to be done was thebuilding of a large house or wigwam, withinwhich was placed a species of tent for the useof the priest and reception of the spirit. Thetent was formed of moose-skins, hung over aframework of wood. Five poles, or ratherpillars, of five different species of timber,about ten feet in height and eight inches indiameter were set in a circle of about four feetin diameter. The holes made to receive themwere about two feet deep; and the pillars beingset, the holes were filled up again, with theearth which had been dug out. At top thepillars were bound together by a circular hoop,or girder. Over the whole of this edifice werespread the moose-skins, covering it at top andround the sides, and made fast with thongs ofthe same; except that on one -side a part wasleft unfastened, to admit of the entrance of thepriest.The ceremonies did not commence but withthe approach of night. To give light within thehouse several fires were kindled round thetent. Nearly the whole village assembled inthe house, and myself among the rest. It was161

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