Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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anfr%frfrenturegfrom Michilimackinac that ; they had inquiredfor me; and that he believed their intentionsto be bad. Nearly at the same time a messagecame from the good chief of the village desiringme to conceal myself until he should discoverthe views and temper of the strangers.A garret was a second time my place ofrefuge; and it was not long before the Indianscame to M. Cadotte's. My friend immediatelyinformed Mutchikiwish, 67 their chief, who wasrelated to his wife, of the design imputed tothem of mischief against myself. Mutchikiwishfrankly acknowledged that they had hadsuch a design; but added that if displeasingto M. Cadotte, it should be abandoned. Hethen further stated that their errand was toraise a party of warriors to return with them to67Mutchikiwish, or Matchekewis, was the chief whohad led the braves in the massacre of June 2. In 1866Chief Alexander Robinson of C hicago gave LymanDraper this account of Chief Matchekewis: He was aChippewa, and lived at a place near Mackinac, calledCheboygan. He took Mackinac Fort in Pontiac's War,and when the British reoccupied that post Matchekewisand two or three other ringleaders in that attack weretaken, sent to Quebec, and imprisoned awhile. Butthe British authorities at length released Matchekewis,as well as the others, gave him a medal, flag, and otherpresents, and he returned home with increased honors.He was with the Indians at the battle of Fallen Timbersin 1794 and signed Wayne's treaty the followingyear. He was a large, tall chief, and weighed over twohundred pounds; and was a man of great distinctionamong his people. He died about 1806, quite aged,perhaps about seventy. Wis. Hist. Colls.,VII, 18990.iS7

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