Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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anfr%frfrcnturegnation; and she was very generally respected.My departure fixed upon, I returned to thelodge, where I packed up my wardrobe, consistingof my two shirts, pair of leggings, andblanket. Besides these I took a gun and ammunition,presenting what remained furtherto my host. I also returned the silver armbandswith which the family had decorated methe yearWe before.now exchanged farewells, with an emotionentirely reciprocal. I did not quit thelodge without the most grateful sense of themany acts of goodness which I had experiencedin it, nor without the sincerest respect for thevirtues which I had witnessed among itsmembers. All the family accompanied me tothe beach; and the canoe had no sooner put off,than Wawatam commenced an address to theKichi Manito, beseeching him to take careof me, his brother,till we should next meet.This, he had told me, would not be long, as heintended to return to Michilimackinac for ashort time only, and would then follow me tothe Sault. We had proceeded to too great adistance to allow of our hearing his voice,before Wawatam had ceased to offer up hisprayers. 6666Thus appropriately Wawatam disappears alikeSomefrom Henry's tale and from recorded history.fifty years later Henry R. Schoolcraft sought diligentlyto discover trace of him or of his family, but in vain.H. Bedford- Jones, whose criticisms of Henry's narrativehave been noted in our introduction, advances the

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