Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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ecome so usual with me that I could not suffermyself to look to the event with any strengthof confidence.Enough, however, appeared at leijgth todemonstrate itself to induce me to descendthe tree and repair to the lodge, with my tidingsand schemes of liberty. The family congratulatedme on the approach of so fair an opportunityof escape; and my father and brother(for he was alternately each of these) lit hispipe and presented it to me saying, " My son,this may be the last time that ever you and Ishall smoke out of the same pipe! I am sorryto part with you. You know the affection whichI always have borne you, and the dangers towhich I have exposed myself and familyto preserve you from your enemies; and I amhappy to find that my efforts promise not tohave been in vain. " At this time a boy cameinto the lodge, informing us that the canoe hadcome from Michilimackinac and was bound tothe Sault de Ste. Marie. It was manned bythree Canadians, and was carrying homeMadame Cadotte, the wife .of M, CadottealreadyMy mentioned.hopes of going to Montreal being nowdissipated, I resolved on accompanying MadameCadotte, with her permission, to the Sault.On communicating my wishes to Madame Cadotte,she cheerfully acceded to them. MadameCadotte, as I have already mentioned,was an Indian woman of the Chippewa

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