Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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Crafccitf att& tiftcnturrIndians to be peaceably inclined, and thatM. Cadotte enjoyed a powerful influence overtheir conduct. They considered M. Cadotteas their chief; and he was not only my friend,but a friend to the English. It was by himthat the Chipewa of Lake Superior wereprevented from joining Pontiac.Wawatam was not slow to exert himself formy preservation; but, leaving Michilimackinacin the night, transported myself and all hislodge to Point St. Ignace, on the oppositeside of the strait. Here we remained tilldaylight,and then went into the Bay of Boutchitaouy,in which we spent three days infishing and hunting, and where we foundplenty of wild fowl. Leaving the bay we madefor the Isle aux Outardes, where we wereobliged to put in on account of the wind'scoming ahead. We proposed sailing for theSault the next morning.But when the morning came Wawatam'swife complained that she was sick, adding thatshe had had bad dreams, and kjiew that if wewent to the Sault we should all be destroyed.To have argued at this time against the infallibilityof dreams would have been extremelyinadvisable, since I should have appeared tobe guilty, not only of an odious want of faithbut also of a still more odious want of sensibilityto the possible calamities of a familywhich had done so much for the alleviation ofmine. I was silent; but the disappointment

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