Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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2Uejrant>erJjjenrpto labor, like ourselves, under considerablealarm; and who dared proceed no farther, lestthey should be destroyed by the English.Frequent councils of the united bands wereheld; and interrogations were continually putto myself as to whether or not I knew of anydesign to attack them. I found that they believedit possible for me to have a foreknowledgeof events, and to be informed by dreamsof all things doing at a distance.Protestations of my ignorance were receivedwith but little satisfaction, and incurred thesuspicion of a design to conceal my knowledge.On this account therefore, or because I sawthem tormented with fears which had nothingbut imagination to rest upon, I told them atlength that I knew there was no enemy toinsult them; and that they might proceedto Michilimackinac without danger from theEnglish.I further, and with more confidence,declared that if ever my countrymen returnedto Michilimackinac I would recommend themto their favor on account of the good treatmentwhich I had received from them. Thus encouragedthey embarked at an early hour thenext morning. In crossing the bay we experienceda storm of thunder and lightning.Our port was the village of L'Arbre Croche,which we reached in safety, and where westayed till the following day. At this villagewe found several persons who had been latelyat Michilimackinac, and from them we had148

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