Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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isRETURN TO MACKINACwe remained on the border of thelake a watch wasWHILE kept every night in theapprehension of a speedy attack fromthe English, who were expected to avenge themassacre of Michilimackinac. The immediategrounds of this apprehension were the constantdreams to this effect of the more aged women.I endeavored to persuade them that nothingof the kind would take place; but their fearswere not to be subdued.Amid these alarms there came a report concerninga real, though less formidable enemy,discovered in our neighborhood. This was apanther which one of our young men had seenand which animal sometimes attacks andcarries away the Indian children. Our campwas immediately on the alert, and we set offinto the woods, about twenty in number. Wehad not proceeded more than a mile beforethe dogs found the panther, and pursued himto a tree, on which he was shot.large size.On the twenty-fifth of AprilHe was of awe embarkedfor Michilimackinac. At La Grande Traverse 64we met a large party of Indians who appeared64Modern Grand Traverse Bay. Editor.147

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