Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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and had wintered near us. The lands belongedto this family, and it had therefore the exclusiveright to hunt on them. This is accordingto the custom of the people; for eachfamily has its own lands. I was treated verycivilly by all the lodges.Our society had been a short time enlargedby this arrival of our friends, when an accidentoccurred which filled all the village with anxietyand sorrow. A little child belonging to one ofour neighborsfell into a kettle of boiling syrup.It was instantly snatched out, but with littlehope of its recovery.So long, however, as it lived a continual feastwas observed; and this was made to the GreatSpirit and Master of Life, that he might bepleased to save and heal the child. At thisfeast I was a constant guest; and often founddifficulty in eating the large quantity of food,which on such occasions as these isput uponeach man's dish. The Indians accustom themselvesboth to eat much and to fast much, withfacility.Several sacrifices were also offered; amongwhich were dogs, killed and hung upon thetops of poles, with the addition of stroudblankets and other articles. These, also, weregiven to the Great Spirit in humble hopethat he would give efficacy to the medicinesemployed.The child died. To preserve the body fromthe wolves it was placed upon a scaffold, where144

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