Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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Chapter isDEATH OF A CHILDOUR venison and furs and peltries were tobe disposed of at Michilimackinac, andit was now the season for carrying themto market. The women therefore prepared ourloads; and the morning of departure beingcome, we set off at daybreak, and continuedour march till two o'clock in the afternoon.Where we stopped we erected a scaffold onwhich we deposited the bundles we hadbrought, and returned to our encampment,which we reached in the evening. In themorning we carried fresh loads, which beingdeposited with the rest, we returned a secondtime in the evening. This we repeatedtill allwas forwarded one stage. Then removing ourthe place of deposit, we carried ourlodge togoods with the same patient toil a second stage;and so on, till we were at no great distance fromthe shores of the lake.Arrived here, we turned our attention tosugar making, the management of which, asI have before related, belongs to the women,the men cutting wood for the fires, and huntingand fishing. In the midst of this we werejoined by several lodges of Indians, most ofwhom were of the family to which I belonged,143

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