Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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JjjenrpSome days elapsed, during which I restedmyself and recruited my strength: after thisI resumed the chase, secure that as the snowhad now fallen I could always return by theway I went.In the course of the month of January Ihappened to observe that the trunk of a verylarge pine tree was much torn by the claws ofa bear, made both in going up and down. Onfurther examination I saw that there was alarge opening in the upper part near whichthe smaller branches were broken. Fromthese marks and from the additional circumstancethat there were no tracks on the snowthere was reason to believe that a bear layconcealed in the tree.On returning to the lodge I communicatedmy discovery; and it was agreed that all thefamily should go together in the morning toassist in cutting down the tree, the girth ofwhich was not less than three fathoms. Thewomen at first opposed the undertaking becauseour axes, being only of a pound and ahalf weight, were not well adapted to so heavya labor; but the hope of finding a large bearand obtaining from its fat a great quantity ofoil, an article at the time much wanted, atlength prevailed.Accordingly in the morning we surroundedthe tree, both men and women, as many at atime as could conveniently work at it; andhere we toiled like beaver till the sun went138

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