Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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antitracks of animals in momentary expectation offalling in with the game I proceeded to aconsiderable distance, and it was not till nearsunset that I thought of returning. The sky,too, had become overcast, and I was thereforeleft without the sun for my guide. In thissituation I walked as fast as I could, alwayssupposing myself to be approaching our encampment,till at length it became so darkthat I ran against the trees.I became convinced that I was lost; and Iwas alarmed by the reflection that I was in acountry entirely strange to me, and in dangerfrom strange Indians. With the flint of mygun I made a fire, and then laid me down tosleep. In the night it rained hard. I awokecold and wet; and as soon as light appeared Irecommenced my journey, sometimes walkingand sometimes running, unknowing where togo, bewildered, and like a madman.Toward evening I reached the border of alarge lake of which I could scarcely discernthe opposite shore. I had never heard of alake in this part of the country, and thereforefelt myself removed further than ever from theobject of my pursuit. To tread back my stepsappeared to be the most likely means of deliveringmyself; and I accordingly determined toturn my face directly from the lake, and keepthis direction as nearly as I could.A heavy snow began to descend and nightsoon afterward came on. On this I stopped133

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