Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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that we had a hundred beaver skins, as manyraccoons, and a large quantity of dried venison;all which was secured from the wolves bybeing placed uponA a scaffold.hunting excursion into the interior of thecountry was resolved on; and early the nextmorning the bundles were made up by thewomen for each person to carry. I remarkedthat the bundle given to me was the lightest,and those carried by the women the largestand heaviest of the whole.On the first day of our march we advancedabout twenty miles and then encamped. Beingsomewhat fatigued, I could not hunt; butWawatam killed a stag not far from our encampment.The next morning we moved ourlodge to the carcass. At this station we remainedtwo days, employed in drying themeat. The method was to cut it into slicesof the thickness of a steak, and then hang itover the fire'in the smoke. On the third daywe removed and marched till two o'clock in theafternoon.While the women were busy in erecting andpreparing the lodges I took my gun and strolledaway, telling Wawatam that I intended tolook out for some fresh meat for supper. Heanswered that he would do the same; and onthis we both left the encampment in differentdirections.The sun being visible I entertained no fearof losing my way; but in following several132

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