Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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16LOST IN THE WILDERNESSONE evening on my return from huntingI found the fireput out and the openingin the top of the lodge covered overwith skins, by this means excluding as muchas possible external light. I further observedthat the ashes were removed from the fireplace,and that dry sand was spread where theyhad been. Soon after a fire was made withoutside the cabin in the open air and a kettle hungover it to boil.I now supposed that a feast was in preparation.I supposed so only; for it would havebeen indecorous to inquire into the meaningof what I saw. No person among the Indiansthemselves would use this freedom. Goodbreeding requires that the spectator shouldpatiently wait the result.As soon as the darkness of night had arrivedthe family, including myself, were invited intothe lodge. I was now requested not to speakas a feast was about to be given to the dead,whose spirits delight in uninterrupted silence.As we entered each was presented with hiswooden dish and spoon, after receiving whichwe seated ourselves. The door was next shut,and we remained in perfect darkness.130

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