Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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antito which we were bound. They are also distinguishedby another particularity alwaysobservable in similar situations. The currentof the stream being met when the wind is contraryby the waves of the lake, it is driven back,and the sands of the shore are at the same timewashed into its mouth. In consequence theriver is able to force a passage into the lake,broad only in proportion to its utmost strength;while it hollows for itself behind the sandbanksa basin of one, two, or three miles across. Inthese rivers we killed many wild fowl andbeaver.To kill beaver we used to go several milesup the rivers before the approach of night,and after the dusk came on, suffer the canoeto drift gently down the current withoutnoise. The beaver in this part of the eveningcome abroad to procure food or materials forrepairing their habitations; and as they arenot alarmed by the canoe, they often pass itwithin gun shot.While we thus hunted along our way I enjoyeda personal freedom of which I had beenin thelong deprived, and became as expertIndian pursuits as the Indians themselves.On entering the River Aux Sables, Wawatamtook a dog, tied its feet together, and threw itinto the stream, uttering at the same time along prayer which he addressed to the GreatSpirit, supplicating his blessing on the chase,and his aid in the support of the family through125

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