Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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some trifling articles together with ammunitionand two bushels of maize. This done westeered directly for Lake <strong>Michigan</strong>. At L'ArbreCroche we stopped one day on a visit tothe Ottawas where all the people, and particularlyOkinochumaki, the chief, the same whotook me from the Chippewa, behaved withgreat civility and kindness. The chief presentedme with a bag of maize. It is the Ottawa, itwill be remembered, who raise this grain forthe market of Michilimackinac.Leaving L'Arbre Croche, we proceededdirect to the mouth of the River Aux Sables 60on the south side of the lake and distant abouta hundred and fifty miles from Fort Michilimackinac.On our voyage we passed severaldeep bays and rivers, and I found the banks ofthe lake to consist in mere sands without anyappearance of verdure, the sand drifting fromone hill to another like snow in winter. Henceall the rivers which here entered the lake are asmuch entitled to the epithet of sandy as that60There is a modern Big Sable River in northernMason County, <strong>Michigan</strong>, and near its mouth a headlandknown as Point Sable juts into Lake <strong>Michigan</strong>.On D'Anville's map of <strong>North</strong> America, published in1746, the Aux Sables River is represented correspondingwith modern Pentwater River. It is clear thatHenry 's wintering place was in the vicinity of modernLudington, <strong>Michigan</strong>, but whether on the Big Sable,the Notepseakan, or the Pentwater River, is uncertain.At the mouth of the Notepseakan (site of modern Ludington)occurred the death of Father Marquette in1675. Editor.124

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