Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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Chapter isREMOVAL TO THE AU SABLEOUR next encampment was on the Islandof Saint Martin, off Cape St. Ignace,so called from the Jesuit mission of St.Ignatius to the Hurons formerly establishedthere. Our object was to fish for sturgeon,which we did with great success; and here inthe enjoyment of a plentiful and excellent supplyof food we remained until the twentiethday of August. At this time, the autumn beingat hand, and a sure prospect of increasedsecurity from hostile Indians afforded, Wawatamproposed going to his intended winteringground. The removal was a subject of thegreatest joy to myself on account of the frequentinsults to which I had still to submitfrom the Indians of our band or village; and toescape from which I would freely have gonealmost anywhere. At our wintering ground wewere to be alone; for the Indian families in thecountries of which I write separate in thewinter season for the convenience as well ofsubsistence as of the chase, and re-associate inthe spring and summer.In preparation our first business was to sailfor Michilimackinac, where, being arrived,we procured from a Canadian trader on credit123

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