Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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antibreath escape, and from which a part of theomentum depended. This the physician didnot set about to restore to its place; but cuttingand madeitaway, minced it into small pieces his patient swallow it.The man was then carried to his lodge whereI visited him daily. By the sixth day he wasable to walk about; and within a month hegrew quite well except that he was troubledwith a cough. Twenty years after his misfortunehe was still alive.Another man, being on his winteringground and from home hunting beaver, wascrossing a lake covered with smooth ice withtwo beavers on his back, when his foot slippedand he fell. At his side in his belt was his axe,the blade of which came upon the joint of hiswrist; and the weight of his body coming uponthe blade, his hand was completely separatedfrom his arm with the exception of a smallpiece of the skin. He had to walk three miles tohis lodge which was thus far away. The skin,which alone retained his hand to his arm, hecut through with the same axe which had donethe rest; and fortunately having on a shirt, hetook it off, tore it up, and made a strong ligatureabove the wrist, so as in some measureto avoid the loss of blood. On reaching hislodge he cured the wound himself by the mereuse of simples. I was a witness v to its perfecthealing.I have said that these physicians, jugglers,

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