Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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not successful in the instance referred to; foron the day after they had taken place the girldied.With regard to flesh wounds the Indianscertainly effect astonishing cures. Here, alsomuch that is fantastic occurs, but the successof their practice evinces something solid.At the Sault de Ste. Marie I knew a manwho in the result of a quarrel received thestroke of an axe in his side. The blow was soviolent and the axe driven so deep that thewretch who held it could not withdraw it, butleft it in the wound and fled. Shortly after theman was found and brought in to the fort whereseveral other Indians came to his assistance.Among these, one, who was a physician, immediatelywithdrew in order to fetch hispenegusan, or medicine bag, with which he soonreturned. The eyes of the sufferer were fixed,his teeth closed, and his case apparentlydesperate.The physician took from his bag a smallportion of a very white substance, resemblingthat of a bone; this he scraped into a littlewater and forcing open the jaws of the patientwith a stick he poured the mixture down histhroat. What followed was that in a veryshort space of time the wounded man movedhis eyes, and beginning to vomit threw up asmall lump of clotted blood.The physician now, and not before, examinedthe wound from which I could see the120

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