Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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anfcwas all that I seemed destined to do and toacquire for the future.I returned to the Indian village where atWethis time much scarcity of food prevailed.were often for twenty-four hours withouteating; and when in the morning we had n6victuals for the day before us the custom wasto black our faces with grease and charcoal,and exhibit through resignation a temper ascheerful as if in the midst of plenty.A repetition of the evil, however, soon inducedus to leave the island in search of food;and accordingly we departed for the Bay ofBoutchitaouy, distant eight leagues, and wherewe found plenty of wild fowl and fish.While in the bay my guardian's daughterin-lawwas taken in labor of her first child.She was immediately removed out of the commonlodge; and a small one for her separateaccommodation was begun and finished by thewomen in less than half an hour.The next morning we heard that she wasvery ill,and the family began to be muchalarmed on her account; the more so, no doubt,because cases of difficult labor are very rareamong Indian women. In this distress, Wawatamrequested me to accompany him into thewoods; and on our way informed me that if.he could find a snake he should soon securerelief to his daughter-in-law.On reaching some wet ground we speedilyobtained the object of our search in a small"5

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