Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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&lejtantierbreast. Both my arms were decorated withlarge bands of silver above the elbows, besidesseveral smaller ones on the wrists; and mylegs were covered with mitasses, a kind of hosemade, as is the favorite fashion, of scarletcloth. Over all I was to wear a scarlet blanketor mantle, and on my head a large bunch offeathers.I parted, not without some regret, with thelong hair which was natural to it and which Ifancied to be ornamental; but the ladies of thefamily and of the village in general appearedto think my person improved, and now condescendedto call me handsome, even amongIndians.Protected in a great measure by this disguise,I felt myself more at liberty than before;and the season being arrived in which myclerks from the interior were to be expectedand some part of my property, as I had a rightto hope, recovered, I beggedthe favor ofWawatam that he would enable me to pay ashort visit to Michilimackinac. He did notfail to comply, and I succeeded in finding myclerks; but, either through the disturbed stateof the country, as they represented to be thecase, or through their misconduct, as I hadreason to think, I obtained nothing; and nothing,or almost nothing, I now began to think,would be all that I should need during the restof my life. To fish and to hunt, to collect afew skins, and exchange them for necessaries,114

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