Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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All the Indian canoes were immediatelymanned, and those from Montreal were surroundedand seized as they turned the pointbehind which the flotilla had been concealed.The goods were consigned to a Mr. Levy, andwould have been saved if the canoe men hadcalled them French property; but they wereterrified, and disguised nothing.In the canoes was a large proportion of liquor,a dangerous acquisition, and which threateneddisturbance among the Indians, even to the lossof their dearest friends. Wawatam, alwayswatchful of my safety, no sooner heard thenoise of drunkenness, which in the evening didnot fail to begin, than he represented to me thedanger of remaining in the village, and ownedthat he could not himself resist the temptationof joining his comrades in the debauch. ThatI might escape all mischief, he, therefore, requestedthat I would accompany him to themountain, where I was to remain hidden tillthe liquor should be drunk.We ascended the mountain accordingly.It is this mountain which constitutes that highland in the middle of the island, of which Ihave spoken before, as of a figure considered asresembling a turtle, and therefore called michilimackinac.It is thickly covered with wood,and very rocky toward the top. After walkingmore than half a mile we came to a large rockat the base of which was an opening, darkwithin, appearing to be the entrance of a cave.109

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