Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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As we approached the island two women inthe canoe in which I was began to utter melancholyand hideous cries. Precarious as mycondition still remained I experienced somesensations of alarm from these dismal sounds,of which I could not then discover the occasion.Subsequently I learned that it is custom-near the burialary for the women on passingplaces of relations never to omit the practiceof which I was now a witness, and by whichthey intend to denote their grief.By the approach of evening we reached theisland in safety, and the women were not longIn the morning therein erecting our cabins.was a muster of the Indians, at which therewere found three hundred and fifty fighting men.In the course of the day there arrived a canoefrom Detroit, with ambassadors, who endeavoredto prevail on the Indians to repairthither to the assistance of Pontiac; but fearwas now the prevailing passion. A guard waskept during the day and a watch by night, andalarms were very frequently spread. Had anenemy appeared all the prisoners would havebeen put to death; and I suspected that as anEnglishman I should share their fate.Several days had now passed, when onemorning a continued alarm prevailed, and Isaw the Indians running in a confused mannertoward the beach. In a short time I learnedthat two large canoes from Montreal were insight.108

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