Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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Cljaptct; 13THE ADVENTURE OF THE BONESthe morning of theINninth of June a generalcouncil was held, at which it was agreedto remove to the island of Michilimackinac,as a more defensible situation, in the event ofan attack by the English. The Indians hadbegun to entertain apprehensions of want ofstrength. No news had reached them from thePotawatomi, in the Bay des Puants; andthey were uncertain whether or not theMonomins 59 would join them. They evenfeared that the Sioux would take the Englishside.This resolution fixed, they prepared for aspeedy retreat. At noon the camp was brokenup, and we embarked, taking with us theprisoners that were still undisposed of. On ourpassage we encountered a gale of wind, andthere were some appearances of danger. Toavert it,a dog, of which the legs were previouslytied together, was thrown into the lake; anoffering designed to soothe the angry passionsof some offended Manito.59Manomines or Malomines. In the first syllable thesubstitution of / for n, and n for /, marks one of thedifferences in the Chippewa and Algonquin dialects.In the mouth of an Algonquin it is Michilimackinac; inthat of a Chippewa, Michinimackinac. Author.107

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