Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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In the course of the next morning I wasalarmed by a noise in the prison lodge; andlooking through the openings of the lodge inwhich I was, I saw seven c(ead bodies of whitemen dragged forth. Upon my inquiry into theoccasion I was informed that a certain chiefcalled by the Canadians Le Grand Sable hadnot long before arrived from his winter'shunt; and that he, having been absent whenthe war begun, and being now desirous ofmanifesting to the Indians at large his heartyconcurrence in what they had done, had goneinto the prison lodge, and there, with hisknife, put the seven men, whose bodies I hadseen, to death.Shortly after two of the Indians took one ofthe dead bodies which they chose as being thefattest, cut off the head, and divided the wholeinto five parts, one of which was put into eachof five kettles, hung over as many fires kindledfor this purpose at the door of the prison lodge.Soon after things were so far prepared amessage came to our lodge with an invitationto Wawatam to assist at the feast.An invitation to a feast is given by him whois the master of it. Small cuttings of cedarwood, of about four inches in length, supply theplace of cards; and the bearer, by word ofmouth, states the particulars.Wawatam obeyed the summons, taking withhim as is usual to the place of entertainmentdish and spoon.104

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