Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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Cratoelg anfcand the consequences which must follow; andyou say truly that we requested you to leave thefort. This we did out of regard for you andyour family; for if a discovery of our designhad been made, you would have been blamed,whether guilty or not; and you would thushave been involved in difficulties from whichyou could not have extricated yourself."It is also true that I promised you to takecare of your friend; and this promise I performedby desiring my son, at the moment ofassault, to seek him out and bring him to mylodge. He went accordingly, but could notfind him. The day after I sent him to Langlade's,when he was informed that your friendwas safe; and had it not been that the Indianswere then drinking the rum which had beenfound in the fort he would have brought himhome with him, according to my orders."I am very glad to find that your friend hasescaped. We accept your present; and youmay take him home with you. "Wawatam thanked the assembled chiefs,and taking me by the hand, led me to his lodge,which was at the distance of a few yards onlyfrom the prison lodge. My entrance appearedto give joy to the whole family; food was immediatelyprepared for me; and I now ate thefirst hearty meal which I had made since my capture.I found myself one of the family; and butthat I had still my fears as to the other IndiansI felt as happy as the situation could allow.103

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