Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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12RESCUED BY WAWATAMAT hour elapsed, during which severalchiefs entered and preparations appearedto be making for a council. At lengthWawatam reentered the lodge, followed by hiswife, and both loaded with merchandise whichthey carried up to the chiefs and laid in aheap before them. Some moments of silencefollowed, at the end of which Wawatam pronounceda speech, every word of which tome was of extraordinary interest:"Friends and relations," he began, "whatis it that I shall say? You know what I feel.You all have friends and brothers and children,whom as yourselves you love; and youwhat would you experience, did you, like mebehold your dearest friend your brotherin the condition of a slave; a slave, exposedevery moment to insult, and to menaces ofdeath? This case, as you all know, is mine.See there (pointing to myself) my friend andbrother among slaves himself a slave!"You all well know that long before the warbegan I adopted him as my brother. Fromthat moment he became one of my family, sothat no change of circumstances could breakthe cord which fastened us together.101

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