Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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anfcpurpose of saving our lives, the Chipewahaving been carrying us to the Isles du Castroonly to kill and devour us.The reader's imaginationis here distractedby the variety of our fortunes, and he may wellpaint to himself the state of mind of those whosustained them; who were the sport, or thevictims, of a series of events more like dreamsthan realities, more like fiction than truth! Itwas not long before we were embarked againin the canoes of the Ottawa, who, the sameevening, re-landed us at Michilimackinac,where they marched us into the fort in view ofthe Chipewa, confounded at beholding theOttawa espouse a side opposite their own.The Ottawa, who had accompanied us insufficient numbers, took possession of the fort.We, who had changed masters but were stillprisoners, were lodged in the house of "thecommandant and strictly guarded.Early the next morning a general councilwas held, in which the Chipewa complainedmuch of the conduct of the Ottawa in robbingthem of their prisoners, alleging that all theIndians, the Ottawa alone excepted, were atwar with the English; that Pontiac had takenDetroit; that the King of France had awoke,and repossessed himself of Quebec and Montreal;and that the English were meetingdestruction, not only at Michilimackinac, butin every other part of the world. From all thisthey inferred that it became the Ottawa to97

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