Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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Michilimackinac on the opposite side of thetongue of land on which the fort is built.Every half hour the Indians gave their warwhoops, one for every prisoner in their canoe.-This is a general custom, by the aid of whichall other Indians within hearing are apprisedof the number of prisoners they are carrying.In this manner we reached Wagoshense, 67a long point stretching westward into the lakeand which the Ottawa make a carrying-placeto avoid going round it. It is distant eighteenmiles from Michilimackinac. After the Indianshadas before anmade their war whoopOttawa appeared upon the beach, who madesigns that we should land.In consequence we approached. The Ottawaasked the news and kept the Chipewa infurther conversation till we were within a fewyards of the land and in shallow water. Atthis moment a hundred men rushed upon us fromamong the bushes and dragged all the prisonersout of the canoes amid a terrifying shout.We now believed that our last sufferingswere approaching; but no sooner were wefairly on shore and on our legs than the chiefsof the party advanced and gave each of ustheir hands, telling us that they were ourfriends, and Ottawa, whom the Chipewahad insulted by destroying the English withoutconsulting with them on the affair. Theyadded that what they had done was for67 i. e., Fox Point. Author.96the

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