Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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anfcfears on this subject to M. Langlade, begginghim to represent the danger to my master.M. Langlade in this instance did not withholdhis compassion, and Wenniway immediatelyconsented that I should remain where I wasuntil he found another opportunity to take meaway.Thus far secure I reascended my garretstairs in order to place myself the furthestpossible out of the reach of insult from drunkenIndians; but I had not remained there morethan an hour, when I was called to the roombelow in which was an Indian who said thatI must go with him out of the fort, Wenniwayhaving sent him to fetch me. This man, aswell as Wenniway himself, I had seen before.In the preceding year I had allowed him totake goods on credit, for which he was still inmy debt; and some short time previous to thesurprise of the fort he had said upon my upbraidinghim with want of honesty that hepay me before long. This speech nowcame fresh into my memory and led me tosuspect that the fellow had formed a designagainst my life. I communicated the suspicionto M. Langlade; but he gave for answer thatI was not now my own master, and must do asI was ordered.The Indian on his part directed that beforeI left the house I should undress myself, declaringthat my coat and shirt would becomehim better than they did me. His pleasure in89

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