Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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I now resigned myself to the fate with whichI was menaced; and regarding every attemptat concealment as vain, I arose from the bedand presented myself full in view to the Indianswho were entering the room. They were allin a state of intoxication, and entirely naked,except about the middle. One of them, namedWenniway, whom I had previously known,and who was upward of six feet in height, had.his entire face and body covered with charcoaland grease, only that a white spot of two inchesin diameter encircled either eye. This man,walking up to me, seized me with one hand bythe collar of the coat, while in the other he helda large carving knife, as if to plunge it into mybreast; his eyes, meanwhile, were fixed steadfastlyon mine. At length, after some secondsof the most anxious suspense, he dropped hisarm, saying, "I won't kill you!" To this headded that he had been frequently engaged inwars against the English, and had broughtaway many scalps; that on a certain occasionhe had lost a brother whose name was Musinigon,and that I should be called after him.A reprieve upon any terms placed me amongthe living, and gave me back the sustainingvoice of hope; but Wenniway ordered me downstairs,and there informing me that I was to betaken to his cabin, where, and indeed everywhereelse, the Indians were all mad withliquor, death again was threatened, and not aspossible only, but as certain. I mentioned my88

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