Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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Cratoelg anti&trtmtturcis?upon as many as they could by a pretext theleast liable to suspicion to come voluntarilywithout the pickets, and particularly the commandantand garrison themselves.The respite which sleep afforded me duringthe night was put an end to by the return ofmorning. I was again on the rack of apprehension.At sunrise I heard the family stirring,and presently after, Indian voices informingM. Langlade they had not found my haplessselfamong the dead, and that they supposedme to be somewhere concealed. M. Langladeappeared from what followed to be bythis time acquainted with the place of my retreat,of which no doubt he had been informedby his wife. The poor woman, as soon asthe Indians mentioned me, declared to herhusband in the French tongue that he shouldno longer keep me in his house, but deliveras a reason forme up to my pursuers, givingthis measure that should the Indians discoverhis instrumentality in my concealment, theymight revenge it on her children, and thatit was better that I should die than they.M. Langlade resisted at first this sentence ofhis wife's; but soon suffered her to prevail,informing the Indians that he had been toldthat I had come thereI was in his house,without his knowledge, and that he would putme into their hands. This was no sooner expressedthan he began to ascend the stairs, theIndians following upon his heels.87

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