Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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and &&toenturegtaken, they returned down stairs, and I withsensations not to be expressed, heard the door,which was the barrier between me and myfate, locked for the second time.There was a feather bed on the floor, andon this, exhausted as I was by the agitation ofmy mind, I threw myself down and fell asleep.In this state I remained till the dusk of theevening, when I was awakened by a secondopening of the door. The person that nowentered was M. Langlade's wife, who was muchsurprised at finding me, but advised me not tobe uneasy, observing that the Indians hadkilled most of the English, but that she hoped Imight myself escape. A shower of rain havingbegun to fall, she had come to stop a hole in theroof. On her going away, I begged her tosend me a little water to drink, which she did.As night was now advancing I continued tolie on the bed, ruminating on my condition,but unable to discover a resource from which Icould hope for A life. flight to Detroit had noprobable chance of success. The distancefrom Michilimackinac was four hundred miles;I was without provisions; and the wholelength of the road lay through Indian countries,countries of an enemy in arms, where the firstman whom I should meet would kill me. Tostay where I was threatened nearly the sameissue. As before, fatigue of mind, and nottranquillity, suspended my cares and procuredme further sleep.85

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