Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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anfcthere being a canoe prepared to depart on thefollowing day for Montreal I employed myselfin writing letters to my friends; and even whena fellow trader, Mr. Tracy, happened to callupon me, saying that anotner canoe had justarrived from Detroit, and proposing that Ishould go with him to the beach to inquire thenews, it so happened that I still remained tofinish my letters, promising to follow Mr. Tracyin the course of a few minutes. Mr. Tracyhad not gone more than twenty paces from mydoor when I heard an Indian war cry and anoise of general confusion.Going instantly to my window I saw a crowdof Indians within the fort furiously cuttingdown and scalping every Englishman theyfound. In particular I witnessed the fate ofLieutenant Jemette.I had in the room in which I was a fowlingpiece, loaded with swan-shot. This I immediatelyseized and held it for a few minutes,waiting to hear the drum beat to arms. In thisdreadful interval I saw several of my countrymenfall, and more than one struggling betweenthe knees of an Indian, who, holdinghim in -this manner, scalped him while yetliving.At length, disappointed in the hope of seeingresistance made to the enemy, and sensible, ofcourse, that no effort of my own unassistedarm could avail against four hundred Indians,I thought only of seeking shelter. Amid the79

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