Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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antihe had just returned from his winteringground, and I asked after his health; butwithout answering my question he went on tosay that he was very sorry to find me returnedfrom the Sault ;that he had intended to go tothat place himself immediately after hisarrival at Michilimackinac; and that he wishedme to go there, along with him and his family,the next morning. To all this he joined aninquiry whether or not the commandant hadheard bad news, adding that during the winterhe had himself been frequently disturbed withthe noise of evil birds; and further suggestingthat there were numerous Indians near thefort, many of whom had never shown themselveswithin it. Wawatam was about forty-fiveyears of age, of an excellent character amonghis nation, and a chief.Referring much of what I heard to thepeculiarities of the Indian character, I did notpay all the attention which they will be foundto have deserved to the entreaties and remarks /of my visitor. I answered that I could notthink of going to the Sault so soon as the nextmorning, but would follow him there after thearrival of my clerks. Finding himself unableto prevail with me he withdrew for that day;but early the next morning he came again,bringing with him his wife and a present ofdried meat. At this interview, after statingthat he had several packs of beaver for whichhe intended to deal with me, he expressed75

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