Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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Jjjettrpthose behind. Accordingly the next morningat break of day I left my fellow sufferers, and atthree o'clock in the afternoon had the pleasureof entering the fort, whence a party was sentthe next morning with provisions. This -partyreturned on the third day, bringing with itLieutenant Jemette and the rest, in safety.Major Etherington, of the Sixtieth Regiment,who had arrived in the preceding autumn, nowcommanded at the fort.I remained at Michilimackinac until thetenth of March, on which day I set out on myreturn to the Sault, taking the route of theBay of Boutchitaouy 45 which the ice had nowrendered practicable. From the bottom of thebay the course lies in a direct line through thewoods, a journey I performed in two days,though I was now troubled with a disorder,called the snowshoe evil, proceeding from anunusual strain on the tendons of the leg,occasioned by the weight of the snowshoe andwhich brings on inflammation. The remedy prescribedin the country is that of laying a pieceof lighted touchwood on the part and leaving itthere till the flesh is burnt to the nerve; butthis experiment, though I had frequently seenit attended with success in others, I did notthink proper to make upon myself.45Modern St. Martin Bay, which indents the UpperPeninsula of <strong>Michigan</strong> due north of Mackinac Island.Editor.68

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