Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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But all these calculations were defeated bythe arrival of a very serious misfortune.Atone o'clock in the morning of the twentysecondday of December I was awakened by**an alarm of fire, which was actually ragingin the houses of the commandant and others.On arriving at the commandant 's I found thatthis officer was still within side; and beingacquainted with the window of the room inwhich he slept I procuredit to be broken in intime for his escape. I was also so fortunate asto save a small quantity of gunpowder only afew moments before the fire reached all theremainder. A part of the stockade, all thehouses, M. Cadotte's alone excepted, all theprovisions of the troops, and a considerablepart of our fish were burnt.On consultation the next day it was agreedthat the only means which remained at thislate period of the season to preserve the garrisonfrom famine was that of sending it back toMichilimackinac. This was itself an undertakingof some peril; for, had the ice preventedtheir reaching the place of destination, starvingwould have become as inevitable elsewhereas it threatened to be at the Sault de Ste.Marie. The soldiers embarked and happilyreached Michilimackinac on the thirty-firstday of the month. On the very next morningnavigation was wholly closed."The fort was destroyed December 10, 1762.Editor.64

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