The Jehovah's Witnesses - Way of Life Literature

The Jehovah's Witnesses - Way of Life Literature

The Jehovah's Witnesses - Way of Life Literature

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John 1:1 says “the word was a god.”Colossians 1:15-17 the JW Bible adds the word “other”four times — i.e., “for by him were all [other] thingscreated…”In Hebrews 1:8 the JW Bible changes “Thy throne, OGod” to “God is your throne.”In Zechariah 12:10, the JW Bible changes “they shalllook upon me whom they have pierced” to “they shalllook upon the one they have pierced,” because they don’twant to admit that Jehovah God died on the cross.Prior to the publication <strong>of</strong> their own English translationin 1961, the Jehovah’s <strong>Witnesses</strong> published the AmericanStandard Version (ASV). It is a simple matter to find thereason for this. <strong>The</strong> Unitarians associated with the ASVtranslation project, such as Ezra Abbot and J. HenryThayer (who was secretary <strong>of</strong> the New TestamentCommittee), held the same view <strong>of</strong> Christ as theJehovah’s <strong>Witnesses</strong>. And the critical Greek textunderlying the ASV weakened key passages touchingChrist’s deity. A footnote at John 9:38, where the manworshipped Christ, says, “<strong>The</strong> Greek word denotes an act<strong>of</strong> reverence, whether paid to a creature (AS HERE) or to34

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